Good4Earth Eco-Quiz Design Project

UIUX Design - Freelance

Who is Good4Earth?

Good4Earth was founded by women of color with the goal of nurturing future generations by making our earth a better place. They have created a virtual community of earth loving consumers, green startups, and nonprofits dedicated to fighting climate change through our app. They help people easily measure their impact on the environment through a simple, fun eco-score and provide actionable and personalized recommendations to lessen their environmental impact. They give our community a way to be continuously motivated toward good behavior, and recognize their achievements as they make sustainable lifestyle changes at their own pace. Together they inspire “ Good Change. Good friends. Good4Earth.”

Challenges for Good4Earth

Their vision was to create a fun, interactive quiz to gather insights on consumers, where they are in their sustainability journey and what were their motivations. The biggest challenge was to balance out the number of questions to derive scoring, recommendation information and keeping it fun and interactive. Besides this challenge, other challenges include who would this resonate with, what would be our tone, what would be our channels, how long should the quiz be. That's where I came in wearing a consumer and UX expert to bring all these aspects together.


The Goal of Achievements at Good4Earth

I need to develop the quiz contents (questionnaires and answers), design the graphical assets, and implement the quiz at the end of April 2022.

I need to make an easy-to-understand quiz.

The goal of the conversion rate (the entry point to  the completion) of the quiz is 70%.

We need to get to know who our actual target audiences are.

My Journey to Launch

Beta Launch v1

I helped Good4Earth to develop the quiz contents, conducted the User Interviews to understand the personas and the clearity of our quiz contents, designed the graphical assests. I also helped implementing the quiz itself in their website and validate our quiz process.

Beta Launch v2

After we launched the quiz, we started to understand our audiences. We analyzed the events (entry %, completion %, the conversion rate from entry to completion). We also gathered feedback for better understanding the quiz takers’ perspectives. From there, I helped revising the quiz contents, the amount of quiz, and I modifed the graphical assets to follow the revision of quiz contents. I also conducted the Preference Test to see our revised designs resonate the audiences.


I was given some documents of brainstorming sessions (questionnaire and personas) that had been already created before I came in. I set up a couple of meetings with my client and got on the same page.

Based on the documents, I organized the categories and created the quiz with the user flow in mind.

Quiz User Flow

We had a lot of questions to ask, and our goal was to let the quiz takers engage until the end, get the leads, and reach the results so we could gather the data. We also wanted them to have fun while taking our quiz and a smooth flow/transition to the end.

User Research

UX Researcher

User Personas

This initial set of User Personas was already created beforehand. We have 3 main user personas as shown below.

The reasons of these 3

These three categories are the ones who make decisions about what type of lifestyle they should have in the household. They establish their lifestyle beliefs and habits and create shopping styles based on that.

User Interviews

After I had built the quiz and learned the user personas, I sought user interviewers to get feedback on our quiz contents. I used Google Form to make it simplify the process. We had a total of 18 questions. The input follows after the examples.

Some examples of quiz






UX Designer


We made some adjustments based on our feedback to make it more transparent and friendlier.

Some examples of improvements


After the improvements, I sent out another survey to the same interviewers to take the revised quiz and asked for their opinion. Here are what they say:

More Revisions

We received more great positive feedback than the initial quiz. However, we still have more improvements to make. Never stop to make it better!  😄


Quiz Platform Research

UX Researcher


Quiz Platform Research

Before I moved on to design itself, we needed to search and find a good Quiz platform that fits to our needs.
Click the button to see my findings. 👇🏼

UI Process - Mood Board

UI Designer

I didn’t have to create the website or the quiz platform from scratch. However, I wanted to clearly understand what kind of feel the quiz takers should have while they take the quiz. I also wanted to research what type of forms the other designers are using as a graphical solution for sustainability.


When I researched for eco-friendly-related images, I found a LOT of illustrations. The findings gave me feelings of warmth, organic, and humanization. They inspired and gave me a direction on how I should design for Good4Earth.

Graphical Assets - Questionnaires

UI Designer

Finally, I moved on to the design of the graphical asset. Since the Interact platform accepts the images for questions and answers, I precisely wanted to design for hero image and the questions so it will assist in a clear understanding of what Good4Earth intends to ask. I also carefully selected photographic assets for answers for more clarification on answers.

Some of the examples are below:


I am not an eco-friendly advocate. I had no idea specific questions about what they meant towards sustainability at the beginning. However, I researched why those questions are so crucial to sustainability. And I learned a lot from the research and, of course, from Good4Earth. It was essential to understand the meaning of the questions, why they wanted to ask them, etc. So by understanding the importance of it, the way of asking the questions changed (e.g. Flight questions).

Graphical Assets - Results

UI Designer

When the quiz takers are done, they receive a result (they have to enter their email address first).

This is the sample of the result page. The taker gets the score with the stage where they are currently. The graphic asset tells them how far you have to become Eco-Advocate (top-level). There are three stages: Eco-Curious, Eco-Active, and Eco-Advocate. They also receive some recommendations to change their lifestyle to become more earth-friendly.

More examples of Result assets


Within Good4Earth, we all agreed to not making the result page too long.We want the quiz taker to learn something important through our result with our helpful tips. I was very happy that I helped them to make this quick and meaningful.

Other Stages before Launch

Front End Development



After many revisions, we came to the point of implementation at last! It was my first time implementing something to Shopify. The CTO of Good4Earth created the website using templates in the past, so she was familiar with the structure. She showed me the templates and where to create a new file. After that, I made a page for Eco-Quiz and embedded the quiz code on the page.


After the implementation, Good4Earth and I worked together to see the whole flow of the quiz was smooth. We put extra effort into confirming the suitable algorithm and the right results.

Launch Day

I was so thrilled to launch this quiz! My client and I put so much time and effort, and we were excited to see the outcome. So, of course, we sought feedback, and I was looking forward to hearing positive and constructive feedback. But, before worrying about them, I was ready to celebrate with my client on the launch!


It was such an energetic moment to launch this project. I have never worked with a startup before. However, I got to experience wearing many hats to help them get through the first launch. So much communication and support were given to each other, and it was a fantastic experience that I appreciated the opportunity.

Results from v1

For our launch, we promoted our quiz to a lot of people through social media accounts and word of mouth. Then, 2 weeks later, we looked at the initial data and analyzed what was happening regarding conversion rate—our goal was 70% from the entry point to the completion and we also looked at the other data such as the main personas, the dropoff point, etc.

Conversion Rate

What we learned from here: Key Findings

We analyzed the overview data and each question and answer how they answered and where they dropoff. Here are the key findings.

The half of the people who clicked the banner didn’t take the quiz.

A lot of peopole wants to change their eating habit.

The majority answered the barrier to changing their lifestyle is time.

If you have children, the primary reason to be motivated to change your lifestyle to sustainable seems to be always children.

Many takers thought they were beginners to an eco-friendly lifestyle but were actually eco-advocates as a result.

Those people who entered the quiz just for the curiosity seemed to dropff around Q4 ( observing from high dropoff rate there. But after Q4, the engagement rate on each question stayed stable.)

The half of the people who entered the quiz didn’t finish the quiz or didn’t see the result.

We found many inspiring answers in the results that can be a part of content creation.

It seems to be recycling is a part of their life now (everyone recycles something regularly.)


We had remarkable findings that gave us a direction to improve our quiz in the near future. From this point, we plan to meet frequently to decide what and how to improve our quiz contents.d rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.


We received a lot of feedback regarding our quiz. Many of them were very positive. Some are constructive. We always have the learning moments through feedback. 😊




Everyone has different perspectives. Some think it’s a fair amount of questions, some think it’s too long, for example. It might be hard to find the balance in between. But it is a worth of trying. We try, make errors, learn, and move on with improvements.

Preference Test

We reviewed the entry point of the quiz and I suggested to create different banners to grab more attentions so it prompts more clicks to enter the quiz.

I used UsabilityHub to conduct the Preference Test. We asked the audiences to take this test through different social media and other platforms and received 44 responses. The results are below.

“We are looking for an easy to understand yet impactful image to prompt answering our sustainability quiz. Which one do you think connects to the participants the best?”


We received unexpected results, although we learned that we could use a particular one on a different platform for different audiences because of those reasons that they gave us.


What did we learn from the data and feedback? Here are examples of our improvements.

Other Changes

After we learned some questions were obvious to see certain answers , so we removed, consolidated, or replaced questions to keep the number of questions low.


While modifying and improving our quiz, we also learned that we could inspire and make them aware of what type of lifestyle can cause and reduce carbon footprints by asking related questions.

Launch v2

The preparation for launch is still ongoing. We are planning to launch v2 in August 2022. I will keep posted the results as soon as we gather the data.


We received many valuable feedback and suggestions. We hope to make the changes, improve the quiz, and add more valuable, informative features to the website and content to the social media. However, we still have tons of things to figure out how to deliver them efficiently so we can convey our mission to more people.

Overall Takeaways

During this journey of creating and improving the eco-friendly consciousness quiz, I was thrilled to be a part of a team with the same passion for bringing awareness to improve our planet. We brainstorm together when we need extra brain and ideas, and we get helpful information when we find something and incorporate it into our beliefs.

I like what I have experienced with Good4Earth. They genuinely care about our project, care about each other, and care about the planet.

Even though we only reached about 60% of conversion rate instead of 70%, the overall UX & UI design that I contributed helped the quiz takers understand the quiz content and our mission. The feedback shows that the design was very intuitive, which was the direction I was aiming for! 😄

As for the next step, I gained a lot of positive experiences and the following skills I earned from this experience to bring to the table for the next opportunity.

  • Communication and collaboration skills to deliver the client’s needs.
  • Listening skills to understand the other perspectives.
  • Design skill to design the elements with different angels/views in mind.

Comment from CEO - Payal Shah

Payal Shah
“Yuko has been an absolute pleasure to work with. She is creative, innovative and an awesome team player. In a start-up, you appreciate people who have capability to expand their skill-set, wear multiple hats, understand and bring a vision to fruition. We found all of this in Yuko along with a great attitude. She is going to be an asset to an team/company she joins!”

Thank You for reading this far!